Now this is the last Post.
The whole week is over. We hope erverybody enjoyed Friends meet Friends 2016 and
had a good journey home.
The next year the french group will organize the meeting. We all hope that belgium Participants will come back.
We want to say thank you to erasmus plus to make this projekt possible.
Friends meet Friends 2016
Montag, 1. August 2016
Today we were
allowed to sleep a half hour longer than usual. After the breakfast
we evaluated the whole week in our national groups. Later on we
presented our results to the other countries. Then we went outside
for the Alane dance, and had free time to do our tasks. In the
afternoon some of the German participants' parents and the mayor of
Florstadt came to look at our exhibition. A party service came to
cook for us and the visitors. The mayor gave us our youth passes in a
small ceremony. We had an end-of-the-week party to end the FMF week
in Germany 2016. It was awesome!
Fight with waterbombs |
The Mayor gives erverybody a youthpass |
Freitag, 29. Juli 2016
We woke up at 7:00
o'clock. We ate a quick breakfast and after that we went to the bus
station and took the bus to Friedberg. In Friedberg we had to be very
quick because the train to Frankfurt left the station within just 5
minutes. After 20 minutes we arrived at Frankfurt central station and
there we went to the tram, after which we changed to the underground.
We went to the climbing hall and we spent about 1,5 hours there. Next
we went to the museum of Anne Frank. For 1 hour a guide of the museum
explained the story of Anne Frank and her family. After that we went
to the center of Frankfurt and we seperated into small groups and had
4 hours of freetime. We went to the train and arrived in Staden in
the late evening. We went to take a shower and after we went sleep.
T-Hall |
Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2016
Today the group was woken up with some good mood music at 8am.
After a morning gym session by the french group with fitness tasks and
stretching, the french youngsters taught us a typical dance from their home region. At 10 a.m. two
members of the Schwarzkopf Foundation lead a workshop with some knowledge and
exercises about the European Union. Afterwards the results from the different
workshop group were presented by the participants of FMF to the whole group.
The afternoon started with a cooperation game called „The Snake“. There 1-2
participants from each country formed an international team to search for
hidden codes with which they could solve tasks which prove that the cooperation
in the group is very good and the communication in English is not a problem for
anyone. Additionally, we had a lot of fun. Afterwards we prepared in creative
workshops what Friends meet Friends means to us and why we are particpating in
it. There a poem and several pictures in 3 languages were created. The evening
ended in the Disco where we had a lot of fun and enjoyed dancing and laughing
after work party in the disco FLOORS |
Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2016
Today we woke up at 7 am. We were given lunch boxes for the day because the bus came at 8 am. We drove to Point Alpha, the former border between West and East Germany. We took a tour around the border. The tanks were amazing, big and powerful. It started raining. We also had two timewitnesses speak about their youth and how they experienced the border state of Germany. At the end we were really sleepy and on the trip back we all slept, because the tour was very exhausting. In the evening we did a campfire, and we went to sleep very tired from the day.
at the border |
timewitness |
Museum |
Dienstag, 26. Juli 2016
We woke up at
08:00am and went outside to dance the FMF dance. After that we had
breakfast. At 10:00 am we met a refugee from Ethiopia who showed us
his photography. We also watched two shotz films about
breaking/building barriers and refugees in Europe. After that, all
countries did a photo collage abouit what it means to lose home an
presented it to the other groups. In the afternoon we went to
Friedberg and had a guide that showed us the most important places of
the city like the Aldolfsturm, the church and the Mikwe. After dinner
we went to the gym to play the national games of each country.
Workshop |
Guided Tour in Friedberg about jewish life |
Everybody speaks Sports |
Today we all woke up
at 7 am. After 15 minutes we all went to breakfast. Later on we
needed an hour to drive to the canoe rent station (on the Lahn). With
awesome weather and a lot of fun, we took a break from canoeing after
12 km. Then we paddled the last 4 km to the endstation. Afterwards we
cleaned our canoes and ourselves. After the long trip we all slept in
the bus. At 7 pm we ate our dinner and everybody took a shower. And
in the evening we learned the FMF dance!
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Doing the dishes is also a Part of FMF, because the groups must organize it |
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